Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Due to a severe REM eff-up from the past two weeks and the burning in my lungs from slurping down massive amounts of pollution climbing the escalators at Namesti Republiky, I have decided to treat myself to a night in bed with tea and the gorgeous talent of Mad Men. Will eventually get around to writing about NYE shenanigans and my (constantly growing) list of resolutions for 2012, but today is not that day.

Did stumble upon this fantastic website though and wanted to share: Marc and Angel Hack Life. Am only 5 items through the first list of their's I've read - 30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself, but I can tell this is going to become an addiction. Love lists, and thanks to one Miss Bethanny Frankel, am really feeling the power of yes (though that's probably also largely because it's January 3rd and resolutions are a challenge and not a chore). Just thought I'd share. :)

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